Consent granted for Stage 1 of Drury East Precinct
Wed Nov. 15th 2023
An expert consenting panel under the fast-track consenting has granted consent for Fulton Hogan to develop a site in Drury, South Auckland.
Sue Simons has successfully obtained fast-track resource consent, under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020, for Fulton Hogan Land Development Limited to develop a 32.33 hectare site in Drury, South Auckland.
Stage 1 of the Drury East Precinct, established by Private Plan Change 49 to the Auckland Unitary Plan, includes the development of up to 248 dwellings and 28 residential superlots (approximately 345 dwellings) together with supporting roading and servicing infrastructure.
The Drury East Precinct will contribute to residential and infrastructure development in the Drury area over the next few years, as resource consent was also successfully granted by the Environmental Protection Agency to two neighbouring development sites through the fast-track consenting process.
The project faced a number of hurdles since its initial referral to an expert consenting panel for fast-track consenting in November 2021, including opposition from Auckland Council. However, the Panel ultimately agreed with the applicant that the project would bring “significant contribution to the social and economic well-being of Auckland communities, as well as associated environmental benefits” and concluded the project would result in overall positive effects.
Sue Simons said: “Obtaining both the rezoning and the resource consents for the project has been a hard fought process, so we are very pleased to see the first stage of development at Drury East get off the ground. We were ultimately able to satisfy the Panel that the project would have significant benefits for the community of South Auckland and should be approved.”
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