Withdrawal of QLDC Inclusionary Housing Variation

Fri Aug. 30th 2024

Opposition by the property development community sees the proposed Inclusionary Housing Variation withdrawn.

On behalf of Fulton Hogan Land Development, Sue Simons joined other representatives of the Property Development community in opposition to a proposed Inclusionary Housing Variation promulgated by Queenstown Lakes District Council. The Variation sought to levy financial contributions from developers which would fund inclusionary housing projects in the District. QLDC has a critical shortage of affordable homes and rental properties brought about, to a considerable degree, by the lucrative short-term rental market – typically Air B&B – to service tourism demand. Sue successfully argued that developers are not the source of the problem and, ironically, aid in the provision of residential dwellings throughout the District and there were serious legal impediments to the proposed funding model.

As a result of the legal submissions and evidence on behalf of all the developers, QLDC withdrew the Proposed Inclusionary Housing Variation. By withdrawing the proposed variation there was thus no Decision, no right of Appeal and no onerous precedent set.

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